Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Digital Salon

Last summer, I would meet informally each Wednesday evening with interested students and their friends and acquaintances to chat about issues in digital culture that were of interest to us. We met at a local coffee house with free wi-fi, sometimes competing for space with D&D tables.

112098447_b1fe2bdec4People felt free to come out when they wanted to, or to give it a miss when they had other things to do. The relaxed atmosphere was wonderful, but the people were the best part. It was such a pleasure to get to know these young men and women simply as people, people with wonderful, crazy, provocative ideas. There were no constructed roles, no professor and student. And when they brought friends along, or family members, our conversations were that much enriched. Social constructivism in action popped into my mind.

Robbie, Christie, Andrew, Dan ...

Recently, on at least 5 occasions, I have been asked whether the Digital Salon will be meeting again this summer. Two of the inquiries have come from people who were not part of the core group last year, so I don't know how word of this spread.

The answer, of course, is of course, "Yes!"

It is both a pleasant surprise and an encouraging sign for unhurried evenings of renewed conversations.

1 comment:

Robbie Vize said...

Thank you for continuing to write in this electronic space. Thank you for continuing to be one of the strongest sources of inspiration.

I have been keeping my eye on your blog, interested in what I am now missing from university life. I'm relieved to find that you are still finding inspiration yourself in the students (a.k.a. teachers) that meet with you every week day.

Looking forward to chatting with you again.