Saturday, March 28, 2009

Illuminating imaginations


"There are two ways of spreading light;
be the candle or the mirror that reflects it"

- Edith Wharton

Being a teacher is the centre of my professional life.

I have adapted theories of learning to my practice, specifically transformative learning and social constructivism, because I believe these processes empower my students.

I have developed courses around theories of learning, specifically inquiry-based learning, because I trust that, given the appropriate environment and encouragement, my students will take control of their own learning.

But above all, I have tried in my practice to be a model for my students, a model of the academic ideals I endeavour to convey to them, because I will not ask of my students anything that I would not demand of myself.

Do not perform as a teacher.

a teacher.

If, indeed, I as teacher have been a mirror in the classroom, the light from the imaginations of my students will illuminate the world.

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