I am 57 years old, hurtling towards 58. I ache a lot and I am beginning to forget things. I repeat myself constantly, without realizing it. I now laugh at the same silly things my parents used to find amusing. I repeat myself constantly, without realizing it. This is not a pretty transformation. I should have young people monitor me whenever I use digital technologies. Yes, I need surveillance at all times, something like an "Avoid Stupidity Panopticon." I had been wondering why no one had left comments, save for a few early on. I assumed that no one was really reading, so I continued on my merry way, posting and reflecting. Last night, I switched to the new version of Blogger and when I did, a screen popped up that read: You have twenty unpublished comments: Do you want to migrate them to Beta Blogger?
Imagine, if you will, the ease with which "Oooops!" slid from my lips! I had made this a moderated blog and expected to be e-mailed whenever a comment was posted -- but I had inserted my e-mail in the wrong box, the Comment Notification Address box. Meanwhile, the box for my e-mail under the Moderate Posts radio button was left blank. Hence, all these comments sat unseen and therefore unpublished. And I continued to post and reflect, oblivious to what must have been glaringly obvious to young users of this technology. I apologize to all who commented but never saw their remarks appear. It must have seemed odd indeed that there were no comments at all. So, to those who assumed that I was not publishing comments in order to suppress views not congruent with my own, sorry --I was not being devious, just dumb. All comments, brickbats and otherwise, are now published. One more time, for the record, this caveat:
- The posts to this blog represent my personal journal of the events leading up to the strike.
- I acknowledge the innate subjectivity publicly. That is why I chose to blog.
- That is why I have talked about my own anguish, my own frustrations, my own anxieties.
- Re-read the November 23 post
- Seek out dissenting opinions
- Read the blogs of those BUFA members who do not agree with strike action
- Make up your own mind after weighing up the evidence
- Do not rely on my views as the sole source of commentary on the strike
Just a test.
Prof Joe,
You sound exactly like my father, trying to adopt to technology. I think its due to the fact that you guys didn't grow up in a technogocially savy world. LOL, but i guess we all make mistakes, even those of us who have grown up with technology around us constantly.
I just wanted to let you know that your blog spot is excellent and MANY Brock students know about it and read it everyday! You are our idol!!! LOL Keep it up!
Prof Joe,
I just sent you an e mail (to your sympatico account)with a jpeg scan of an article printed in the Standard on Saturday regarding the student and BUSU rallies.
I just wanted to appologize for my last comment in light of this entry! Unfortunately, there have been other instances of people ignoring or deleting comments in online forums about the strike, and so this was the first thing that came to my mind when I saw that my comments were not being posted here.
Professor Barry,
I've been reading your blog since my friend told me about it and I was wondering if you wouldn't mind answering a non-BUFA/ non-strike related question for me.
For midterm exams etc. if the class average is 42% and 71% of the class fails, should the professor bell curve it. Do they have to bell curve it? If 71% of the class fails I would think that it is not entirely our fault.
Professor Joe,
Just wanted to let you know that I have been reading your blog entries everyday, and have counted on this site to update me about issues pertianing to the pending strike.
It is very unfortunate that the students have been left in the dark, and the Administration has failed to contact the students with any MEANINGFUL information since September. The emails sent by the President and other members of the Administration are nothing but useless, and I feel like the only valid information I have received is from you some of my Professors, and this website.
Excuse the hostility toward the Administration (and in part BUFA), but I find it disturbing that the best interest of the students has been overlooked. The President should renag his statements made saying that they are looking out for the best interest of the students- if that was the case, an agreement would have been made long before the school year began!
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