Wednesday, December 06, 2006


Look at the comments from the Waiting post. I am so sick at heart I could hurl. I am terribly embarrassed that students thank me for maintaining this blog, when I am poised to take a step that will impede thelearning of my students, of every student at Brock. 


It is an act that is contrary in every way to my credo as a teacher and learner. It is an act into which I have been forced by an administration that seems to be imposing a corporate, top-down labour matrix on the university. And it is an act that I must (not gladly) see through. Through it all, students -- the ones so deeply affected, yet the least consulted -- are keeping this vigil with me. And I am humbled by their faith and their courage in this ordeal. During this ennervating strike process, I have been encouraged and inspired by students and their reactions.

  • I recall the week-long sit in at the Tower elevators, the petition, the declaration of intent to return to bargaining signed by the BUFA negotiating team.
  • I think of the letters to the Brock Press that I read. And I think of the many letters to the administration that went unanswered.
  • I think of the editorial cartoons in the Press yesterday.
  • I remember the e-mails from my current and former students, offering strength and moral reinforcement. And the e-mails from students I have never met have just stunned me!
If I may appropriate Shakespeare for this circumstance:
Yet in these thoughts myself almost despising, Haply I think on thee,--and then my state (Like to the lark at break of day arising From sullen earth) sings hymns at heaven's gate
Thank you. You deserve so much more than this. But thank you. As this day indeed breaks, and there is still no news, the students of Brock nevertheless raise my spirit.
As always.


Anonymous said...

Hi Barry, The wait is agonizing isn't it. I'm a grad student and staying home until the news is in because I can't bare the anxiety I'll feel when I walk in the lab. I have sympathy for all of the profs who have to go in and try to work when their minds are on the strike. I'm posting because I have a suggestion for you in the event that do indeed strike. I suggest that you pick up some Thermacare heat wraps for your back. They should help keep your back from seizing up and may help keep you warm. They're also good for 3 hours! I hope it doesn't come to that but good luck if it does.

bwkj said...

THanks for a great idea! I hadn't thought of heat wraps, but thank you, thank you for that superb suggestion.

Yes, the wait is unbearable. I have my browser open to and another tab open at the Brock page, plus I have my Eudora checking for mail every minute!

I am hoping for a Christmas miracle, for you students and for us faculty.

Thanks so much once again for your suggestion!

Anonymous said...

While I don't want to be a pessimist, if we haven't heard good news by now (9am) then it's bad news. Had there been a resolution, it would be on all sites by now. The only question now is did they make enough progress to consider a strike unnecessary. I don't have any insider information, I'm just speculating (and doing so, I admit, on very little sleep last night)--Dan Malleck

Anonymous said...

I just want to thank you for providing a way for students to get information that isn't cold and inhuman and wrapped up in administrative drivel. It's nice to know that others feel the same frustration and anger that I do. I have an exam in a couple hours but I cannot tear myself from my computer. I'm sure there are many people in the same situation as me as well. Good luck.

Anonymous said...

Says they reached an agreement on the Brock website

Anonymous said...

No strike according to

Anonymous said...

Well this just in... Tentative Agreement Reached
All December exams will continue as scheduled .

hope that clears things up..

Anonymous said...

On brock's website: "Tentative agreement reached."!!! For once, BUFA wasn't the source of all negotiation info!

Boy, am I glad I was wrong on my last email (BTW, don't worry about posting this, I just want to let you know and don't have your email address handy at home)

