Monday, November 27, 2006

Ouch! Student Sarcasm is Vicious ...

Just saw a student "Letter to the Editor," on the Charlatan website, Carleton's student newspaper.

Check out the link to this letter from Robert Lanteigne.

For the record, here is the text of the letter:

Brock Undergraduates For Atkinson would really like their former president back

Written by Robert Lanteigne

Thursday, 23 November 2006

Dear Carleton University,
You and us aren’t very different. Sure you’re a little bigger and a little older, but we both have amazing basketball teams, no football team, a slogan that other schools mock daily, and we both get our asses kicked by the Maclean’s rankings every year.
We recently gave you our president, and now you don’t want him anymore? At least he helped stop your faculty from going on strike.

I propose a trade.

We’ll take Atkinson back if you can take Jack Lightstone. He got his degree there, I think he knows his way around. If not, can you at least show us how to turn our canal into a big long skating rink? We’ll need something to do during the strike.

Post script: The Brock University Faculty Association is about to strike.

— Robert Lanteigne, Brock student and member of Brock Undergraduates For Atkinson

The Charlatan, Thursday November 23?, viewed Monday November 27, 2006 at


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