Sunday, April 05, 2009


"Ludus is the politicization of Paidea."

"Narrative is the application of the time dimension to our memories."

These little treasures make me happy.

Friday, April 03, 2009

It's Over

It was a day full of emotion for me, this April 3rd.

Last day of term - shouldn't there be at least a momentary gasp of relief? It was a very long winter, so should I not be feeling a weight lifting from my shoulders?

No feelings of relief, but rather a sweet melancholy that nuzzles my heart, a joyful narrative of triumphs ... in the past tense.

And there is also chest-swelling pride that peeks through at every opportunity. The growth, not only intellectual but also personal, that I was invited to witness in my students was unique, a process that can be seen only from the special vantage point of the classroom.

This is a year that I shall remember long after I have taken my leave of the university.

This was food for the soul.